artwork by tomasz m. fudala

contact:   tmf@artchemy.org








The abstract linear structures of Tomasz M. Fudala’s paintings
appear, at first glance, no so ordered and even chaotic, but at
the same time strangely familiar. The viewer feels the impression
of nerve tracks; branches or cracks in the ground of a dry riverbed.
These overlapped organic braids sometimes become something
mechanical with sharp-edged structures, probably constructed with
a ruler and an angle gauge, although at the same time they look like
free lines The artist works exactly on this contrast: the interaction
of these two opposite poles that, with a deeper analysis represents
the nature of every human being. Chaos and order, control and intuition,
the free nature following deeper patterns and laws in contrast with
the calculated system by the artist. Space where finally the unforeseen
and the uncontrollable collide and cohabit.
art historian: Esther Orant


The aesthetic created by the universe of the artist Tomasz M. Fudala
is complex and versatile. In fact, it is able to combine in a unique way
intuitive creativity with the latest scientific discoveries.
His visual world fascinates the public with meticulous and detailed drawings,
always based on philosophical references.
In addition to drawings, his mediums of expression include painting,
sound art and writing as well as a theatre performance.
gallerist:Wilfried Ohrenberg





I’d like to give special thanks to Erik Petersen for cooperation in designing the homepage.
WordPress setup, theme adaption and nuclear free web hosting proudly powered by TRILOS.
Please note: This is a non-commercial website.